Personal Stock Monitor GOLD

Personal Stock Monitor GOLD

DTLink Software
Version 9.3.5
Gratis prøveversion
10.00 MB
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Overvåge og spore dine aktiemarkedet værdipapirer effektivt

The Personal Stock Monitor Gold is an application designed for stock traders and investors. You can use the application to chart different market securities, conduct fast research, trade using the application and monitor all your trades as well. You can even track other securities as well, for example you can choose to monitor your investments in bonds, ETFs, options trading and mutual funds. It goes without saying the application is completely private and allows for password protection in your Windows application.
The Personal Stock Monitor Gold allows for real-time streaming of data and sources. This enables you to look for trading information worldwide. Some of the key features of the program include a complete supervision of more than one trading accounts at the same time, intraday and historical charting support for OHLC types, a thorough technical analysis which also includes SMA, MACD, RSI, Money Flow, etc.
Via the Personal Stock Monitor Gold, you will also be able to chart various annotations, set asset allocation charts and create watchlists. You will also be able to get a full report pertaining to your capital gains, access expression based notifications that you will receive by email or via text on your smartphone. So, if you are a frequent trader and would like to get things done as efficiently as possible, then consider downloading the Personal Stock Monitor Gold.

Personal Stock Monitor GOLD
Personal Stock Monitor GOLD
DTLink Software
Version 9.3.5
Gratis prøveversion
10.00 MB
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