In this instalment of the Assassin’s Creed franchise, you will play as Arno Dorian and guide him along on his quest of becoming a Master Assassin. Relive key events from French history, and take part in some of the most historical moments in history, as you progress on your journey and help Arno become a master of the dark arts.
Taking place in Paris during the French Revolution, Assassin’s Creed Unity brings back much of the familiar gameplay and breath taking scenes we have come to expect from the series. Many improvements have been made to this title, and the new customization options and the updated higher quality graphics are awesome. However, the game leaves much to be desired in terms of improvements to long-standing problems experienced with the title. Little effort has been made in developing a connection with the story’s main character.
This is a shame, because in a role like this, Arno’s story could really come alive, with a few more cut-scenes or dialogues with other characters. With that said, the game does have amazing graphics, the usual fun gameplay, and is filled with things to do , including plenty of missions. There are some issues that still need to be worked out with the Assassin’s Creed series. On the other hand, it is a fun game that has been around for a while, and still has quite a cult following online. Assassin’s Creed Unity is worth a play, if you’re a fan or new to the Assassin’s Creed games.
The French Revolution, Assassin’s Creed style.